Saturday, January 10, 2009

Taiwan made `Super toilet' set to hit world market

A "super toilet" developed in Taiwan that uses less than half the amount of water per flush of a regular toilet is set to hit the US market early next year.

Chen Wei-lung (陳維隆), an assistant professor at Chaoyang University of Technology's Department of Industrial Design, developed the "super toilet" in cooperation with local industry.

The "super toilet" uses just 4 liters of water per flush, two-thirds of the amount used by standard water-saving toilets. Regular toilets use about 9 liters of water per flush.

Despite using less water, the "super toilet" is as effective as a regular toilet.

In a test the "super toilet" flushed away 99 of 100 resin balls, exceeding the standard of 95 set for new toilets.

According to Chen, the toilet will be manufactured in China and go on sale in the US early next year.

Chen said that the new product was unlikely to be introduced to the Taiwanese market in the near future because the price of the "super toilet" would be significantly higher than that of a standard unit and because the size of the domestic market is limited.

Chen's invention won an award at an exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of Education earlier this month that featured products developed through the cooperation of academia and industry
Source: Taipei Times, Mar 20, 2008.

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