Saturday, January 24, 2009

Taipei MRT Interactive Emergency Evacuation Exhibition Center

To ensure travelers’ safety and safeguard the Taipei Metro system, in addition to holding safety promotion activities and simulated training drills on a regular basis, Taipei Metro has been implementing Taiwan’s first hands-on Interactive Emergency Evacuation Exhibition Center since 2006. It includes display and hands-on functions on emergency equipment to allow people to familiarize themselves with devices that they are normally not allowed to touch or to use in non-emergency situations. Equipment to be facilitated in the camp includes emergency exits for passengers on trains, platform emergency exits, emergency stop buttons, fire extinguishers, and a simulated Track Intrusion Warning System. Participants can operate safety equipment firsthand, so that they can become familiar with how to use it in the event of an emergency, thereby minimizing injuries.

The Interactive Emergency Evacuation Exhibition Center is located on the first floor of Taipei Metro’s Beitou Resort Training Center. The indoor training area consists primarily of interactive games and equipment for hands-on practice. The outdoor training area offers simulated situations for visitors.

Virtual MRT map & MRT driving
Fire safety drills and emergency evacuation
Disaster prevention skills
09:00 to 12:00 and 13:30 to 17:00 daily
Closed on Sunday and Monday
Admission Fee
NT$50 person
On Saturday, individual tickets are available directly from the Information Counter.
Transport information
Alight at the Fuxinggang Station on the Danshui Line. Take the Beitou Metro Depot on the second floor. Cross the pedestrian bridge and follow the signs to The Interactive Emergency Evacuation Exhibition Center.
88, Lane 527, Da Ye road, Beitou Dt, Taipei- 112-68

Phone number

Website [Note "IEEEC" in CAPS]

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