Sunday, January 11, 2009

Taipei City's Joint Wedding Ceremony

A. Objective:

To improve social ethos and, through demonstrative wedding ceremonies, to uphold the value of marriage, promote family life and establish a harmonious society.

B. Basis:

In accordance with the Taipei City's regulations Governing Participation in Taipei City's Joint Wedding Ceremony

C. Qualifications:

Both the bride and the bridegroom must compliance with the marriage articles of the Civil Code and its relevant laws and regulations, and the bride or the bridegroom must be the citizen or work or attend school in Taipei city.

D. Procedure:

An Applicant can come to the Civil Affairs Section of the District Office concerned with the following documents and file the application in person or can mail the following documents to the Department of Civil Affairs of Taipei City Government or register on the website, then mail the following documents to the agency. Website:

(a)Applying on the Civil Affairs Section of the District Office needs 2 copies of the completed application form (which can be obtained from the Civil Affairs Section of the District Office concerned).Mailing to Department of Civil Affairs, Taipei City Government or registering on the website, then mail to the agency needs one completed application form.

(b) Both applicants need to submit two 1.5-inch recent photos.

(c) ID cards and personal seals (chops) of both applicants.

(d) The "story" of your courtship (any writing style is ok. Use as many words as you need.)

(e) Minors getting married must submit 2 copies of legal guardian's letter of consent.

(f) Foreigners must submit proof of unmarried status (must be translated into Chinese and notarized by the court or by the Consular Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.)

E. Application submitted to:

Any of the City's 12 District Offices

F. Notes:

(a) There is a fee of NT$1,000 for each couple approved to participate in the joint wedding ceremony. Couples withdrawing from participation without justifiable causes or who are disqualified from participation will not be entitled to a refund, and will not be able to submit another application for a period of one year. Couples unable to participate in the wedding ceremony, due to justifiable reasons, who, prior to the wedding ceremony, have submitted proof to this agency for approval, may file for refund (with no interest) within one month after the ceremony is concluded.

(b) Both applicants must take part in the wedding workshop in time for the wedding rehearsal. Unexcused absence will result in disqualification.

(c) Please be sure to arrive in time for your wedding ceremony. We will not wait for you.

(d) On the wedding day, bridegrooms requested to wear suits and brides are requested to be dressed in white wedding gowns. You are responsible for making arrangements for your outfit. Those who participate in special themed wedding ceremonies need to wear attire designated by this agency. You are also responsible for making arrangements for someone to help you put on makeup.

(e) Your number (order) in the wedding ceremony will be determined by the time you arrive for your wedding workshop.

(f) In the event that the date or place for the joint wedding ceremony is changed, an announcement will be made through the District Offices or on the website of this agency.

(g) Two slots are reserved for mentally or physically disabled couples. This reservation will be canceled if no qualified individuals submit applications. Qualified couples must submit their disability identifications when filing the application.

(h) In the event that the wedding ceremony is postponed or canceled due to natural disaster, war or force majeure, we will return the service fee in full (with no interest) to each couple. The couples are not permitted to raise objections or demand damage compensation.

(i) For questions concerning the joint wedding ceremony, please dial1999 for the Citizen Hotline for callers in Taipei City. The callers from other city please dial 02-27208889 or visit our website at


A. The date for the joint wedding ceremony will be published on the website. Other items, such as themes, time and locations of the ceremony will be finalized during the wedding workshop.

B. Our presents for each couple participating in the joint wedding ceremony include: wedding ceremony/activity DVD, group picture with distinguished guests, and one gift.

C. Information concerning the joint wedding ceremony will be updated regularly. Please visit our website or dial 1999 for the Citizen Hotline for callers in Taipei City. The callers from other city please dial 02-27208889

Source: Taipei City Gov.

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