Saturday, January 10, 2009

Aliens Welfare in Taiwan

Foreigners living in Taipei can receive the following counseling support: Those older than 65 years of age may enjoy all of the services already provided to the senior citizens of Taipei City. Women who are experiencing financial difficulty or who are victims of sexual assault may apply for subsistence support as well as financial support for medical care, legal and/or counseling fees.
1. Child Youth Welfare Services

Foster Care

Adoption Services

Childcare Services

Permanent Placement

Section 5: 2759-7732

Section 6: 2720-6507

Prevention of Child and Teenage Prostitution Support Telephone: 080-000919

2. Elderly Welfare Services

Day Care Services for the Elderly

In-Home Care Services

Nursing Services

Section 4: 2759-7730

3. Cultural and Recreational Activity Services

Taipei City Senior Citizen Service Centers target those 65 years and older and provide cultural, artistic, social, training and other activities.

Section 4: 2759-7730

4. Senior Citizen Passes

Those 65 years and older may, by showing their passport, participate in the following recreational activities for half price or no fee:

(1) Entrance fees shall be waived for all city-managed parks, zoos, children's recreation centers, art galleries, and recreational and educational halls. Half price discount shall be applied to entrances for all parks, zoos, and recreational facilities including golf courses, tennis courts and swimming pools.

(2) Social, educational, cultural and recreational facilities not managed by the city government shall provide special offers for senior citizens as follows:

A. Entrance fees shall be waived for the National Palace Museum, National History Museum and Taiwan Provincial Museum.

B. Entrance fees shall be discounted at police and military rates for all movie theaters, the Armed Forces Cultural Activity Center and the Central Movie Studios.

Section 4: 2759-7730

5. Forever Spring Sincere Talk Hotline: 2733-5656

Provides senior citizens an opportunity to talk, to ask questions and receive general information, as well as that of referral services.

6. Handicapped Welfare Services

Rehabilitation Home and Training Service Day Care

Occupational Training

Sheltered Occupations

Counseling for Early Intervention

Temporary Care Service

Section 3: 2759-7728

7. Handicapped Welfare Service Hotline

A Handicapped Welfare Service Center (2762-1608/9) has been established to serve the handicapped residents of the city. The Center provides information on handicapped welfare services, consultation and counseling, special lectures on welfare for the handicapped, cultural and athletic activities, arts and talent contests, social activities and transport for the handicapped to appear for medical certification.

8. Women's Emergency Livelihood Assistance.

Short-term livelihood assistance is provided to women of the city who have economic or life crises.

Section 5: 2725-6971

9. Financial Support To Female Victims Of Violence To Assist With Fees For Medical Care, Legal Counsel And Mental Health Counseling

For women of Taipei City who have met with family violence, sexual assault or other problems of personal safety. The services provided include receiving case reports by telephone, crisis intervention, emergency shelter and referral services. Also provided are psychological counseling, legal consultation, legal action subsidies and subsidies for medical examinations and certifications of injury.

10. Professional Social Work Services.

Aimed at all Taipei City residents who require assistance; provides protective services, crisis intervention, individual psychological and behavioral counseling, as well as providing consultation and counseling related to social welfare.

Contact Social Work Office: 2720-6528 or Jurisdictional Social Welfare Service Centers

11. Homeless Service

Establishes homeless shelters and half-way houses (such as the Peace Home, a private institution also supported by Taipei City) to provide personal protection, family reconstitution, employment restoration, referral services and medical services for persons living in the open, begging, homeless, or those who have collapsed on the street and arrived at a hospital without identification.

Contact Social Work Office: 2720-6528

12. Community Organizations and Community Development

(1) Training in Community Leadership: Assistance in developing the skills of community leaders is provided to those who are enthusiastic and willing to participate in the work of community development.

(2) Support Services for Community Development: Advice in the operation of community development work and community development associations to Taipei City residents and groups; assistance in obtaining use of space for holding activities, information about support resources and other specialized support services.

(3) Community Development Association Awards: Awards are given to recognize self-help and mutual-assistance activities of community development associations that are registered with the City. Opportunities are arranged for observation, assessment and training, to strengthen organizations and broaden participation.

13. Civic Organizations

The Taipei City Government provides guidance for and registration of popular organizations such as social and occupational groups.

Section 1: 2759-7709

14. Funeral and Burial Management Service

The "Tian Nian" Hotline (0800212411) has been established to provide information on funeral and burial services, as well as joint funeral services.

15. Emergency Funds Referral

Section 2: 2759-7725
Source : Taipei City Gov.

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