Sunday, January 11, 2009

Logo of Taipei MRT

A hexagonal form, comprising of two shapes interlocking like yin and yang, symbolizes the six directions, East, West, South, North, up, and down, contained in the philosophy of the I Ching. The two sides cooperate with each other to form a new whole. Two Chinese characters for , meaning person, are depicted as two people hurrying past each other, highlighting the Taipei MRT's function as a means of transportation and a meeting point for thousands of people every day. The logo can also be viewed as two birds flying swiftly past each other, symbolizing the Taipei MRT's efforts to bring passengers to their destinations as promptly as possible. The colors blue and white represent peace and clarity.

 To maintain the symmetry and simplicity of the design, there are no letters or words included in the logo. Wherever anyone sees this sign, they know it represents the convenience, comfort, speed, and international quality of the Taipei MRT.


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