Saturday, September 27, 2008

Digital Tour Buddy for International Backpackers Exploring Taiwan

1.To Promote Tourism in Taiwan Among International Youth, approved by official Executive Yuan document 0940037554, of 26th August, 2005.

2. Organization of the main services and facilitating measures of the Promotion Plan for Youth Travel in Taiwan 2006-2008.

3. Tour Taiwan Year 2008-2009: National Youth Commission might broaden the range of service age about “ Digital Tour Buddy program” for a more convenient environment to international backpackers.”

Two. Purpose
1. To provide international youth backpackers traveling in Taiwan with                      convenience and security.
2.      To take advantage of Taiwan’s strengths in science and technology to enable international travelers to experience the applications of that science and technology.

Three. Organizers:
1.      Sponsor: National Youth Commission (Executive Yuan)
2.      Co-sponsors: Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Rep. of China (Taiwan), China Telecom Corporation Limited, Inventec Appliances Corporation

Four. Effective dates:
From 1st May, 2008 date to 31st December, 2009

Five: Target applicants:
1. 500 Digital Tour Buddies will be in circulation. They will first be given to the service category comprising international travelers entering and visiting Taiwan to travel as backpackers (special short-term entry visa, limited to those who are sightseeing or studying). People outside of this category will not be eligible.

2. Each applicant will be limited to one application per entry to Taiwan. There are two types of application. Rules of use.

a. Before-entry application: the maximum period of each loan will be 30 days.
b. After-entry application: the maximum period of each loan will be 15 days.

Six. Digital Tour Buddy functions and equipment.
1.      Digital Tour Buddy functions:
(1)   Phone calls and text message

(2)   Brief messages to assist with daily life (providing general travel news and related news, at concessionary rates.)

(3) Speed dialing (including 24-hour Bureau of Tourism tourist information hotline, the special line for foreigners in Taiwan, the National Youth Commission’s Youth Hub, Chinese Taipei Youth Hostel Association, the Greater Taipei taxi service line, and so on.)

(4) Dictionary

2.      Digital Tour Buddy equipment.
Includes cell phone account and basic equipment (OKWAP A272-Cell phone, SIM card, lithium cell, battery charger, operations manual and user instructions), phone bag. 

Seven. Concessionary measures:
In order to encourage backpackers to make use of this service, the first 2,008 borrowers will be given NT$200 worth of free calls (limited to calls made in the Taiwan Area) by the National Youth Commission, and China Telecom Corporation.

Eight. Application procedure:
1. Type of application:
(1) Before-entry application: online application
          International backpackers should visit the National Youth Commission youth travel website, http://youthtravel.twand complete the online booking application form seven days to thirty days before entering Taiwan.

(2) After-entry application:
   A. online application
              International backpackers should visit the National Youth Commission youth travel website, and complete the online booking form three days before picking up the Digital Tour Buddy.
          B. on-the-spot application
              International backpackers can visit the Youth Hub and fill in the on-the spot application form at the service counter at 10:00~21:00 Tuesday to Sunday.

(3) For online application, on receipt of the National Youth Commission’s approval, they should print the approved booking form.

2. Obtaining the equipment.
(1) Before-entry application:
 International backpackers entering the country must bring relevant documents with them, including approved booking form、passport、passport copy、one extra valid ID (Pleas see additional remarks 1). Issuing of equipment will take place at tourist service center in Terminal One and Terminal Two of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport or Service Counter at Youth Hub of National Youth Commission (1F, No.31, ZhongXiao E. Rd. Sec. 1, Taipei 100). Applicants whose applications have been approved, having left the copy of their passport and the other ID document as security, will be issued with the Digital Tour Buddy.

(2) After-entry application:
   A. Online application:
      After-entry application is limited to pick up the equipment at Youth
Hub of National Youth Commission only (1F, No.31, ZhongXiao E. Rd. Sec. 1, Taipei 100). International backpackersmust bring relevant documents with them, including approved booking form、passport、passport copy、one extra valid ID (Pleas see additional remarks 1). Applicants whose applications have been approved, having left the copy of their passport and the other I.D document as security, will be issued with the Digital Tour Buddy.

 B. On-the-spot application:
              International backpackers must bring relevant documents with them, including passport、passport copy、one extra valid ID (Pleas see additional remarks 1) and fill in the on-the-spot application form at Youth Hub at 10:00~21:00 Tuesday to Sunday. Applicants, having left the copy of their passport and the other I.D document as security, will be issued with the Digital Tour Buddy.

(3) This service is not an inalienable right of international backpackers entering Taiwan; in the case of persons whose applications have been approved prior to their entry to Taiwan, if their visas or other application credentials are not those stipulated, has the right to cancel the loan, and the applicant will have no form of redress.

3. Returning the equipment.
Before the expiry of the loan period, borrowers are to take their passport, Digital Tour Buddy and accessories, and the customer’s copy of the booking form, to tourist service center in Terminal 1 or Terminal 2 of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, or the National Youth Commission’s Youth Hub service counter (1F, No.31, ZhongXiao E. Rd. Sec. 1, Taipei 100), to return the equipment. When the equipment has been checked, confirmed to be undamaged, and accepted, the copy of the passport and other ID document will be returned to the borrowers.

Nine. Matters to note when applying. 
1.      The National Youth Commission will provide a total of 500 Digital Tour Buddies. Once all these have been issued to applicants, no further applications will be accepted, until equipment has been returned and sterilized, when Digital Tour Buddies will again become open to applications online.

2.      This service has its roots in faith in international backpackers. Its only security is the copy of the passport and the second ID document; no financial deposit is charged. We ask the international backpackers who will be availing themselves of this service to cherish the equipment and to return it within the stipulated period, so that it can circulate and enable more backpackers to enjoy convenient information services and travel safety (Pleas see additional remarks 2 & 3).

3.      Papers: International backpackers collecting the equipment must take their passport (original and copy), approved booking form (for online application) and valid ID document (Pleas see additional remarks 1) to prove their identity, and leave the copy of their passport and the ID document as security for the loan.

4.      The equipment: Includes a Taiwan OKWAP A272-Cell phone, SIM card (The first 2,006 borrowers have NT$200 worth of free calls), lithium cell, battery charger, operations manual and user instructions, phone bag, and the applicant’s portion of the application form. 

5.      Service Hours and Locations:
(1) Tourist Service Centers at Terminal One and Terminal Two of Taiwan
Taoyuan International Airport: 7:00~23:30, All Year Round.

(2) Youth Hub Service Counter of the National Youth Commission, (1F, No.31, ZhongXiao E. Rd. Sec. 1, Taipei 100): 10:00~21:00, Tuesday to Sunday.

(3) International backpackers may obtain and return the equipment at the
location appointed on the application form during the service hours. If you wish to change the appointed location, please notify NYC three days in advance by phoning 02-33225550 or e-mailing, Thank you.

6.      Contract: All international backpackers applying for a Digital Tour Buddy must sign a short-term loan contract with the National youth commission.

Ten. Other points:
1. If the international youngster has run out free credit (NTD200), he or she can top up mobile by purchasing ideal card (recharge voucher) launched by Chungwha Telecom from convenience stores, such as 7-11, Family Mart, Hi-Life, OK & Nikomart. In conjunction with their Digital Tour Buddy, International backpackersmay also utilize their own original cell phone’s roaming functions or choose to purchase a Taiwan IF card, available at retailers throughout the island, and providing unrestricted communication throughout the Taiwan Area. Users of Digital Tour Buddies who choose to purchase an IF card will only receive travel briefings, high-speed dialing and pre-paid calls when the Digital Tour Buddy’s original SIM card is installed.

2. This project will end on 31st December 2009. The National Youth Commission will review the demands of the project before deciding whether to continue with it.

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