Thursday, January 31, 2008

Radio Taiwan International to meet its listeners in India in Feb

Radio Taiwan International will hold Listeners’ Club Meetings in India


February 23, 2008 (Saturday) –limited to 35 listeners

Time: 11:00 AM-14:30, Chennai (Madras)

February 24, 2008 (Sunday)-limited to 70 listeners

Time: 11:00AM-14:30, Kolkata (Calcutta)

March 1, 2008 (Saturday)-limited to 35 listeners

Time: 11:00 AM-14:30, New Delhi


1. Please write an email and state which meeting you would like to attend by writing “Chennai”, “Kolkata” or “New Delhi” in the email “subject”.

2. In the email, please state your name, address, telephone number, your ID number and how many years you have listened to RTI.

3. Only listeners with passes will be allowed entry.

4. Attire: casual, but proper as requested by the management of the venue.

5. Please send your email to  by January 25, 2008


1. Priority will be given to listeners with RTI ID since we have received a number of letters stating their interest in attending the meeting(s).

2.  RTI will not be responsible for any transportation/lodging and other expenses

*Venues will be announced later

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