Thursday, January 31, 2008

Radio Taiwan International to meet its listeners in India in Feb

Radio Taiwan International will hold Listeners’ Club Meetings in India


February 23, 2008 (Saturday) –limited to 35 listeners

Time: 11:00 AM-14:30, Chennai (Madras)

February 24, 2008 (Sunday)-limited to 70 listeners

Time: 11:00AM-14:30, Kolkata (Calcutta)

March 1, 2008 (Saturday)-limited to 35 listeners

Time: 11:00 AM-14:30, New Delhi


1. Please write an email and state which meeting you would like to attend by writing “Chennai”, “Kolkata” or “New Delhi” in the email “subject”.

2. In the email, please state your name, address, telephone number, your ID number and how many years you have listened to RTI.

3. Only listeners with passes will be allowed entry.

4. Attire: casual, but proper as requested by the management of the venue.

5. Please send your email to  by January 25, 2008


1. Priority will be given to listeners with RTI ID since we have received a number of letters stating their interest in attending the meeting(s).

2.  RTI will not be responsible for any transportation/lodging and other expenses

*Venues will be announced later

Kinetic signs pact with Taiwan firm

                    The board of directors of Kinetic Motor Company has recommended a preferential allotment of equity shares to Taiwan-based Sanyang Industry Co. Ltd. (SYM). Kinetic will issue 20.65 lakh shares at a price of Rs. 66 per share aggregating Rs. 13.63 crore as per Securities and Exchange Board of India guidelines amounting to SYM holding about 11.1 per cent stake in the enhanced capital of Kinetic Motor. Kinetic has also entered into collaboration with SYM for technology and manufacturing of the latter's models in India, according to a release.

Date:14/01/2006 URL:

Taiwan IT companies to invest in India


          Taiwan now looks forward to Indian shores as a market with huge potential for the ICT sector.

          Thomas Chang, Director, Taipei World Trade Center announced the growing presence of Taiwan’s top 5 ICT brands in India - Acer, Asustek, BenQ, D-Link and Gigabyte. With the Indian economy surging ahead Taiwanese companies now see India as a market with a huge potential for ICT products. Acer, Asustek, BenQ, D-Link and Gigabyte are some of the top ICT companies that have presence in India. These companies have significantly increased the value of their brands from last year, with Asustek and Acer remaining at the top for the third consecutive year.

          “India is a big market for Taiwan after China and Japan. Its enormous potential is evident from the fact that 60 plus Taiwanese companies are already operating in India and 100 plus companies will begin their operations by 2007,” he said.

          He further added, “Foxconn International Holdings Ltd have started on a plan to build an industrial park in Chennai to produce electronic connectors and components. Foxconn has invested $120 million. This is the largest hi-tech investment so far by a Taiwanese company in India and this is bound to attract some more Taiwan companies to follow in this Indian market”.

One-stop shop! : View Special

As an early participant in the technology revolution, Taiwan has become the world's largest maker of notebook computers, LCD monitors and motherboards. Taiwan also has maintained its domination in the global production share of Wireless LAN, Optical storage devices, Game Consoles, ADSL modems, Network products and Servers. Taiwanese companies are all set to explore the Indian frontiers with an all new mantra ‘Go South - to India’.

          According to W.S. Mukund, Managing Director, Acer India, “Taiwan over the years has become a recognised leader in the global IT hardware industry. Acer India has its roots in Taiwan, being global has helped us bring the latest tested technology to the Indian market and establish ourselves quickly as one of the leading IT vendors in India.”

Saturday, 07 October , 2006, 11:03


Taipei World Trade Center, Chennai



Tel: 91-44-43561520 / 43561510

Fax: 91-44-43596888

Taiwan-India: New Friends?

         If reports appearing in Taiwan media and sections of Indian and world press are true, Taiwan’s Kuo Ming Tang (KMT) Presidential candidate, Ma Ying-Jeou is to pay a visit to India on Jun 12-13, 2007. Ma is basically a politician and had held the high posts of Minister for Justice, KMT Chairman and Taipei Mayor and is now being considered by many as a front-runner in the next year’s Presidential elections in Taiwan. It is not yet known who in India will be hosting the Taiwan leader and whether or not he will meet any Indian government or political personality. Under its ‘one-China’ policy, India has so far taken care to avoid any high level official contacts with Taiwan. It even did not permit the proposed visit of the then Taiwan Vice President Annette Lu to Gujarat in 2001 to distribute earthquake relief material. New Delhi is likely to persist with such policy while dealing with Ma’s visit, so as not to jeopardise its strategically important ties with Beijing. Expectations are that the KMT leader’s visit will be treated by New Delhi as purely ‘unofficial’ and that the hosts will be from non-governmental bodies in India. Can there be any hidden political meaning then behind the proposed visit? This question may look justified, as every one is aware that a leader of Ma Ying-Jeou’s standing cannot come to India without the tacit understanding of the government there.

         The chances of the Taiwan leader’s contacts with some of India’s political figures, not holding official positions, cannot be ruled out under the circumstances. Events in the past, particularly since the establishment of respective non-official Trade Offices in 1995, confirm such pattern. Not long ago, the Indian politician George Fernandez visited Taiwan (2004) to attend a symposium organised by the authoritative ‘Taiwan Think tank’, an institution sponsored by all the political parties there. A Taiwan delegation led by Ms Maysing Yang came to India (October-November 2005), which met I.K.Gujral, L.K.Advani among others. The process providing for contacts between the parliamentarians of the two sides, which began in 2006, also merits viewing from a political angle. For the first time, a group of Taiwanese legislators led by Hou Shui-Sheng of the ruling, but independence leaning, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) paid a visit to India in February that year and met some politicians (e.g Dr Satyanarayan Jaitia, a member of Indian Parliament, former Central Minister and leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party). Hou later claimed that the visit could take place in spite of Chinese protests to India.

         China’s attitude towards India-Taiwan contacts has so far been positive, based on its realisation that New Delhi adheres to ‘one-China’ policy. The PRC Ambassador in New Delhi has himself praised such policy. Also, China does not seem to make an issue out of India’s hesitation, unlike other nations like Pakistan and Bangladesh, to use the terminology of “inalienable part of China ” while describing Taiwan in its official documents. Coming to the proposed KMT leader’s visit to India, Beijing can be expected to be watchful, but it may not oppose the event as long as India keeps it ‘unofficial’. Setting China’s general policy in this regard, the Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson stated (April 26, 2006) , “China does not challenge Taiwan’s exchange with other parts of the world of non-official nature. China has taken many flexible measures on the basis of one-China principle to facilitate Taiwan’s overseas economic and cultural exchanges. But China is firmly opposed to secessionist activities of Taiwan authorities in various disguises”.

         Beijing would have certainly come out with harsh criticism against New Delhi, if any high-ranking Taiwan representative from the ruling pro-independence DPP is to visit India. As Ma Ying-Jeou is from the opposition KMT for which Beijing seems to have a soft corner albeit by design, China may show tolerance to his visit. At the same time, it needs to be noted that there are convergences as well as divergences between the KMT and the Chinese communist Party (CCP). From the point of view of former, what strikes first is the common goal of the KMT and CCP to reunify the country. The two parties are firmly opposed to Taiwan’s independence, with KMT in particular rejecting the DPP’s latest “Second Republic Constitution” outright of late. Main divergences include the KMT’s criticism of China’s Anti-Secession Law and human rights violations. Also, on the issue of Tibet, the KMT appears to have shifted to a line favourable to the Dalai Lama’s demands. In addition, the KMT is not critical of the Taiwan Relations Act of the US, which binds Washington to defend to Taiwan in the event of a mainland attack.

         China’s has at the moment chosen to downplay the divergences with KMT and instead optimise the advantages of convergences, in order to address the urgent need to isolate the DPP in Taiwan’s politics. China’s recent measures are a case in point. Beijing has hosted visits to the mainland by the KMT Honorary Chairman Lien Chan for three years in a row – 2005,2006 and 2007, with President Hu Jintao meeting the Taiwan leader every time.

         The particular case of Ma Ying-Jeou’s visit to India (also to Singapore) needs to be examined in such a context. Beijing despite its opposition to Ma’s precondition that China should remove its missiles targeted at Taiwan before resumption of negotiations with the mainland, may feel pleased with the Taiwan leader’s policies of not accepting Taiwan independence as an option for the KMT (January 28,2007), reaching a consensus with China on the basis of ‘pragmatism and playing no zero sum game’, while working for ending Taiwan’s diplomatic isolation and entering international economic bodies like the World Bank and the IMF and preferring to sign a Peace Agreement with the mainland, if he wins the Presidential election in 2008. Against the background of Ma’s moderate position on the reunification question and the perceived need to counter any push abroad by the DPP for Taiwan’s independence, China may positively regard the KMT leader’s visits abroad in general, and to India and Singapore in particular.

         Going beyond the specifics involving Ma Ying-Jeou’s visit to India, what is being witnessed at present relate to the rapidly changing regional strategic perceptions of both Taipei and New Delhi; these perceptions stem from reasons different for each side, but in the end provide a common ground to both for getting closer. In early 90s, Taiwan and India initiated their respective “ Go South” and “Look East” policies, aimed at achieving integration of their economies with that of ASEAN growth. The rapid rise of China in the later years broadened their outlook; Taiwan became apprehensive of the high risks involved in becoming more and more dependent on the overheated Chinese economy. Its cross- strait investment reached the level of US$ 100 billion. China turned into the biggest market for Taiwan. Strategically, Taipei is becoming more and more unsure of Beijing’s intentions on reunification, not ruling out the use of force. Also, some in Taiwan may fear that the US is allowing China to play a bigger role on regional affairs, thus creating regional imbalance. Politically, Taipei is becoming increasingly aware of the rising geo-political importance of India and the latter’s potential in countering China’s growing clout in the region. It has come to view Indian democracy as a source of strength. Also, the changing views of the West, particularly the US, on India’s future role in the region, especially attract Taipei.

         On the part of India, its desire to play an expanded role in East Asia, through forging strong ties with ASEAN nations, establishing a relation of strategic partnership with China and Japan as well as improving ties with Taiwan, without factoring Taipei-Beijing relations, has come to dominate policy directions. New Delhi also eyes on benefits from economic cooperation with Taiwan. On a number of fields like counter-terrorism, WMDs, environment etc, India might consider teaming up with Taiwan, useful. In a nutshell, while for Taiwan, the China factor and compulsions to end diplomatic isolation, appear to be the main motivating factors in promoting India ties, India while engaging China, sees in its connectivity to Taiwan, an East Asian entity, a helpful factor not tapped earlier, for its efforts to integrate with the whole of East Asia; The fact that India is already participating in the East Asian summits could be relevant in this regard.

         In a background of their rather overlapping motivating factors as given above, Taiwan and India are searching for new ways to get closer to each other. Former Taiwan Premier Yu Shih-kun launched the second wave of the Government’s “Go South policy” to include India in 2005. Since then, Taiwan has been expressing its keenness to sign a FTA with India. The Taiwan-India Cooperation Council (TICC), a brainchild of National Security Council of Taiwan, with Yu Shih-kun as its first Director, started functioning in Taipei in 2006, with the aim of promoting governmental level contacts between the two sides. A representative of President Chen Shui-bian was present at the time of TICC’s inauguration. Information Technology and Infrastructure have been identified as two key areas for Cooperation.

         Both Taiwan and India have become keen to promote bilateral trade, which was around US$ 2.27 billion in the first eleven months of 2005, with projections for 2007 being US$ 7 billion. Taiwan’s direct investment in India was US$ 116 million by end 2004. The figures are no doubt below the potential, as trade with India forms only 0.67% of Taiwan’s total trade and in comparison, Taiwan’s investment in China was as high as US$ 41.7 billion in 2004. Exchange of business delegations between Taiwan and India has become regular. Notable has been the visit of a 130-member business-government delegation headed by Taiwan’s Economic Affairs Minister Shi An-Xiang, in May 2006 at the invitation of India’s prominent commercial chambers, to discuss bilateral matters relating to economy, trade and investment. From India, the visit of a NASSCOM delegation to Taiwan recently has been illustrative of Taiwan’s growing interest in India’s software industry. Taiwan also seems to aim at entering the other South Asian markets through India.

         A word of caution to politicians in India, who may be meeting the visiting KMT leader, may be appropriate. The KMT’s position on the Sino-Indian boundary does not differ from that of the PRC. In the past, the KMT had criticised the PRC for discussing with India matters relating to China’s possible concessions to India on the Sino-Indian boundary question. Also, the KMT considers the whole of Tibet and Mongolia as part of China as per Articles 119 and 120 of the “Republic of China” Constitution, though there has been a nuanced change in recent years in the position concerning Tibet, with the formation in 2003 of a new Taiwan-Tibet Cultural Exchange Foundation, to replace the existing Tibetan-Mongolian Commission. Though the visit of Ma to India is expected to be basically economic in nature, it would be advisable for the Indian interlocutors to bear in mind the KMT’s positions on India-China border and Tibet during talks.

      (The writer, Mr.D.S.Rajan, is former Director in the Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India. He is presently Director of the Chennai Centre for China Studies, Chennai, India. Email:, )

Taiwan based Institute for Information Industry (III) opens Offshore Development Center (ODC) in Chennai

                  Taiwan-based Institute for Information Industry (III), today, announced the opening of its Offshore Development Center (ODC) at Olympia Technology Park in Chennai. This is the first such initiative undertaken by a Taiwanese firm in India. Dr. Y. S. Shih, Vice Minister of Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, inaugurated the centre and Mr. Kiran Karnik, President of NASSCOM, was the chief guest.

         Dr. Y. S. Shih, Vice Minister of Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, who is also leading a delegation of Taiwanese industrialist to India, said, " We believe that India and Taiwan are natural partners in dominating the ICT sector. I expect many more Taiwanese ventures to come to India in the near future." Currently, trade between India and Taiwan is $2.5bn. India accounts for 0.67% of Taiwan's external trade whereas 0.87% of India's external trade ends up in Taiwan. This is likely to change as Taiwan and India complement each other because Taiwan has the expertise in hardware and manufacturing, while India is known for software and system designs. Many Taiwanese manufacturing giants have already announced setting up of manufacturing base in India.

         III's offshore development centre represents the first partnership in software between India and Taiwan. The centre will be engaged in software development in the field of networking, security and embedded software among others.

         Speaking about the operations in Chennai, Dr. G. J. Huang, Executive Vice President, Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan said, "The Chennai centre will play a key role in III servicing its clients in diverse industries." Housed in a 8,500 sq. ft. state-of-the-art facility, III will recruit 60 IT professionals by 2006 and plans to ramp up the operations to 200 employees by end of 2008.

         Commenting on the occasion, Mr. Kiran Karnik, President of NASSCOM, India, said, "The decision of III, the key promoter of the Information Industry and Information Society of Taiwan, is acknowledgement of the fact that India is the desired destination for software development. I am hopeful that many such relationships will be forged between the two nations in the coming days."

About Institute for Information Industry (III)

         The Institute for Information Industry (III) was established in 1979 as a joint government-private sector think tank and management consultancy, to help promote the development of the ICT industry and deploy the information society. Funded by both government and the private sector, the III provides a neutral source of expertise independent of both partisan politics and individual corporate agendas. It is active in research and development, promotion of the ICT industry, and support and administration. As the most important promoter of the Information Industry and Information Society of Taiwan, III committed to increasing Taiwan's global competitiveness through the development of its information technology infrastructure and industry. The goal of III is to empower Taiwan for the realization of knowledge economy, digital equality and digital e-Quality.

         Since its inception in 1979, III has been a key technology contributor to Taiwan's ICT industry, while also playing a vital role in promoting the adoption of ICT in both public and private sectors. With over 1400 employees and more than 70% of them possessing Ph. D. or Master Degree in Computer Engineering and other associated fields, III plays a crucial and pivotal role in Taiwan's ICT industry. Headquartered in Taipei, with a goal to develop a World-class Taiwan Information Industry and Information Society, III is leading its way through vigorous pursuits of R&D development, serving as the think tank on ICT policy to the government, proliferating ICT applications, bridging the digital divide, seeking opportunities for international collaboration, and cultivating ICT talents.

T      o strengthen Taiwan's ICT industry competitiveness, III has endeavored to collaborate with major companies and organizations, through information exchange, technological cooperation, and strategic alliances. III also works closely with standard organizations, industry associations, and research institutions around the world on the important issues such as protection of intellectual property rights, technology standards, international market, digital divide, etc. in order to assist Taiwan's ICT industry to meet international standards.

Chennai, Tn, IND, 2006-05-15 19:27:40

For further details contact

Keng Lee


M: 98406-51416

Michelle Tsai

Institute for Information Industry (III)


R Sriganesh/Twinkle Xavier

20:20 MEDIA

P: 28260145/55519908

E-mail: Sriganesh


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A New Perspective on Taiwan-India Exchanges

         There is huge room for cooperation between India and Taiwan. Strategically speaking, the geographic position and the military force of India play an important role in ensuring Taiwan's security and in balancing the power distribution in Asia. In terms of economy, ever since the 1991 economic reform, India has become one of the major economic entities in the world. The middle-class population of more than 2 million could thus be seen as a market worthy of long-term exploration. Lastly, from the perspective of politics, India is the most populated democratic country that shares a common value with Taiwan. It would be appropriate for the two countries to share their experiences in democratic governance as well.

The Establishment of the Taiwan-India Cooperation Council (TICC)

         In 2005,Taiwan Thinktank held the "India-Japan-Taiwan Trialogue: Prospects for Democratic Cooperation" conference for the cause of reflecting on the integral development in the Asia-Pacific region and calling for India to play a more active participation in East-Asian affairs. The then Minster Yu, Shyi-Kun of the Executive Yuan granted Taiwan Thinktank to establish the Taiwan-India Cooperation Council as a medium for information exchanges between the two countries. After Mr. Yu made such statement, people in India have been anticipating its establishment, while Taiwan Thinktank undertook several meetings on pertinent details. Meanwhile, the Executive Yuan urged to accelerate the foundation of a preparatory committee, and suggested that trade and economic cooperation between India and Taiwan must be put on top of the agenda. Following the Trialogue from last year, representatives from Taiwan Thinktank visited South India in mid-May to further the establishment of the TICC. The experience gained from the trip and its report would be an important reference for establishing the Council.

Rising Stars in South India: Bangalore and Chennai

         The economic growth in India has increased swiftly in recent years. Last year, the industrial growth rate in India was 7.4%, while the economic growth rate reached 8%. In India, the human resource in the field of technology is surplus, yet exceeds the demand. Indian engineers get 12% less paid every month than China's engineers, which equals to three days' wages paid to those in developed European countries and the US. It is also noteworthy that China has become India's second biggest business partner. In 2004, the trade value between India and Taiwan was less than 10% of that between India and China, which reached 136 million $USD. Yet China is not the only one; South Korea and Singapore have also become significant trading partners of India.

         It is the right moment for Taiwan to invest in the Indian market. With the grand landscape and a variety of cultures in India, it is a must for Taiwan to start the investment in the places where have fully-equipped facility. The most significant growth lies in the information technology industry, which bases in South India, instead of the political center in the North. Taiwan Thinktank therefore chose to visit the two major cities in South India: Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka, and Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu.

         Bangalore, the Silicon Valley of India, is the fifth largest city in the nation where two famous software companies, Infosys and Wipro, were both established. Due to the development of IT industry, India has experienced a rapid urbanization, which results in the lack of power supply and the need to improve infrastructure in Bangalore. However, foreign investment continues to flood into the city, which shows the local IT industry still poses a fatal attraction for investors.

         Chennai, originally named Madras, is the capital of Tamil Nadu in the region of southeast India and a newly-risen market as well. Being the fourth largest city in India, Chennai is developing its industry in a steady pace. The first science-based industrial park was set up in 1991 in Chennai; moreover, Chennai has transformed into a BPO center in recent years. Nevertheless, compared with Bangalore, the software export market for Chennai could still be improved. Additionally, Chennai is also nicknamed "the Detroit of India," exhibiting its prosperous automobile industry with Ford, Hyundai and Mitsubishi Motors factories. With the promise of local officials assuring that the infrastructure and power supply would gradually improve, Chennai would eventually become as competitive as Bangalore.

The Road toward Bilateral Collaboration

         Due to the differences in language and culture as well as the stereotypes of Indian culture, the exchange between India and Taiwan is far less frequent than that of India between other countries. Encouraging the mutual understanding and seeking for the common interests, consequently, should be the first priority.

1) Economic and Trade Exchange

         Economy and international trade compose the foundation for Taiwan, while diplomatic clout and rich human resource as that of India. Under current condition there is a great need for the two countries to eliminate barriers in trades and to hold conferences on investment aids.

2) Exchange of Information Technology

         Taiwan excels in hardware manufacturing and marketing, while India outstands in software programming and design. India has been expecting the establishment of a research center based on reciprocal principles as a product for bilateral collaboration. Yet when Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited India days ago, he mentioned the complementary role China and India play in IT industry, without acknowledging the fact that the hardware manufacturing ability China has now should give credits to the experiences from Taiwan. In view of this, Taiwan should be more alarmed, so as to prevent the marginalization of the coming Taiwan-India cooperation.

3) Exchange of Technology Professionals

         Both Hsin-Chu Science Park and Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology have recruited several technology professionals from India, who have been gradually forming an Indian community in Taiwan. The exchange of technology specialists should thus be thoroughly planned as a major base for collaboration.

4) Academia Exchange

         Both Taiwan and India put much emphasis on higher education. Granted that the exchange in academic and educational fields is enhanced, both parties could have a better mutual understanding, which would set the cornerstone for other forms of exchanges.

5) Exchange of Cultural Industries and NGOs

         Introducing the rich Indian culture to Taiwan would certainly raise awareness and interests of India among Taiwanese societies. In addition, NGOs in Taiwan could also be actively involved in issues concerning Indian peasants, women, poverty and its social welfare.

Looking Ahead

         Following the visit to South India in May, 2005. Taiwan Thinktank is planning to attend a bilateral conference this fall, aiming to consolidate the foundation for the Taiwan-India Cooperation Council. As an NGO, the TICC is expected to act as a medium connecting human resource, information, know-how and market research. It would further find out both individual and common leverage between governments and private sectors, so as to encourage bilateral exchanges in various fields. This way, the Council would contribute greatly to the strategic union between both parties and to guiding the path toward collaboration. 


Author Soong Yun-wen

Source Taiwan Thinktank Communicator No.17


Taiwan cos looking to invest in Chennai

         Two of Taiwan's largest companies - ASUSTeK Computer Inc, a computer hardware manufacturer, and Formosa Plastics Group, with diversified interests including petrochemicals and energy, are committed to investing in Tamil Nadu, according to Mr Chuang Suo-Hang, Legislator from Taiwan.

         Mr Chuang, who is leading an industry delegation to India, told reporters here that ASUSTeK Computer is one of the largest players with a more than 50 per cent market share globally. They are looking at setting up a manufacturing facility in India. A presence here would help them more easily access the markets in Europe, West Asia and Africa.

         Similarly, Formosa Plastics Group, the largest private sector player in Taiwan, is looking at setting up a power plant in Chennai and examining the options. These companies are part of a 61-member delegation that is in Tamil Nadu to examine opportunities for investments here.

`Taiwan Desk' requested

         He said that Taiwan has represented to the Tamil Nadu Government that they would need a `Taiwan Desk,' single window clearance facility for the paper work and an exclusive SEZ region for the small and medium enterprises from Taiwan investing here.

         Earlier, addressing the Indo-Taiwan Bi-lateral Trade Relationship meeting organised by the Southern India Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Taiwan External Trade Development Council, the Tamil Nadu Industries Secretary, Mr Sakthikanta Das, said the State Government would consider the request to ensure `concrete progress.' Mr Berton B.C. Chiu, Director General, Department of Investment Services, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, said that Taiwan had identified seven industries that would look at investing in India.


TN plans Taiwan Eco Zone near Chennai

         The Tamil Nadu government is looking at creating a separate Taiwan Economic Zone near Chennai.  The zone, spread over 500 acres, is planned to attract investments from Taiwanese small and medium enterprises, according to Tamil Nadu industries secretary Shaktikanta Das. Das said the state government was exploring possibilities of earmarking 500 acres for the proposed zone out of two locations in Tamil Nadu — Tidco’s SEZ in Ennore and SIPCOT’s industrial complex in Cheyyar.

         According to a Business Standard report, the decision to carve out a separate Taiwanese zone comes on the heels of increased interest among Taiwanese companies to invest in India, particularly Tamil Nadu. Taiwanese entrepreneurs recognise India as a powerful economic opportunity and are keen to explore investment opportunities here.

TN may be Taiwan's biz destination choice

Taiwan investors and manufacturers would look at Tamil Nadu as a business destination in the near future as a way to de-risk the country's external trade and investment, according to Dr Chi Su, leader of a Legislator delegation from Taiwan and member of the KMT political party, Taiwan.

         Speaking at a meeting held by the South Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, he said that with the political climate between Taiwan and China being uncertain, it was important for Taiwan to look at other options without `looking over the shoulder to see if the big man is watching'.

         Dr Steve Hsieh, Director, Department of Technology and Economy, National Policy Foundation, Taiwan, corroborated saying that 80 per cent of Taiwan's investment in foreign countries was in China. He said that from India's point of view, the best option would be to adopt the `cluster' method - attract the flagship brands in manufacturing and the ancillary supply chain would come automatically. Mr Shaktikanta Das, Tamil Nadu Industries Secretary, said stable political climate in India made it a favourable destination for investors and industries.

         The quality of manpower in Tamil Nadu, with 250 engineering colleges producing 80,000 engineering graduates every year, as well as the quality of physical infrastructure made the State an even more favourable destination, he said.

Taiwan identifies India for trade promotion

Taiwan has identified India as this year's target country for trade promotion and investment, Yuen-Chuan Chao, president and Chief Executive Officer of the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), has said. Addressing presspersons after signing a memorandum of understanding with the Southern India Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) here on Saturday, Mr. Chao said Taiwan had short-listed information and communication technology, autoparts, textiles, food processing and pharmaceutical and biotechnology to be promoted in India.

         The total Taiwanese investment in India now stood at around $110 million as against billions of investment in relatively smaller economies such as Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia. The volume in India was all set to grow manifold soon, he said A delegation, comprising exporters, purchasers and investors representing 70 Taiwan companies, would visit Chennai on May 15, Mr. Chao said. Chennai would also have an exclusive Taiwan machinery centre soon.

         He said the MoU, Taiwan's fourth with an Indian business chamber, would help in exchange of trade information and product promotion between the two regions. SICCI president S. Ramanathan said the MoU was a good beginning of a successful partnership and offered the SICCI premises for being used as a provisional base for the TAITRA, which was setting up its own office in Chennai.

"Taiwanese investment in India will grow manifold"

Tamil Nadu plans Nanotech park on Taiwan model

The Tamil Nadu government is proposing a nanotechnology park, similar to the highly successful Hsinchu Science Park in Taiwan. The park, likely to come up near Chennai, will focus on hi-tech manufacturing in semiconductor foundries, chip assembly and testing, optoelectronics, solar cell technologies and nanotechnology.   

         The nanotechnology park will require co-operation between governments, industry associations, companies, and research institutes and universities. It is a part of the state’s efforts to achieve ICT Vision 2011, which will see Tamil Nadu’s information and communication technology (ICT) industry growing to $30-33 billion from the current $6 billion. 

         Recently, a Taiwanese team led by a top official of Hsinchu Science Park visited Chennai as part of the Indo-Taiwan bilateral cooperation efforts. The team, which met with business community and top officials of the state government, had proposed the “science park” concept. A detailed project report in consultation with the authorities of Hsinchu Science Park will be prepared for the proposed Nanotech park, according to a top government official. 

         While an investment-friendly environment will be created to attract investments into the park, the state government will also explore the public-private partnership option for developing it. SIPCOT, the state nodal agency for land development, has been asked to identify land for the park within a radius of 70-80 km from Chennai, as access to the major city airport is seen as a critical factor for the project. The government is proposing to set up the park over 2,000 acres. 

         To foster co-operation programmes between research and development (R&D) institutes and companies, two or three engineering and management universities would be co-located within the nanotechnology park, which would be equipped with a social infrastructure. A meeting with Anna University and IIT-Madras has already been held for co-operation in creating an ecosystem in the park. 

         Complete product cycle companies such as R&D, design, marketing, and sales and service will also be encouraged to set up operations in the park. A separate location for companies in venture funding, component manufacturing, component distribution and office services like HR, legal, and finance and banking has been suggested. A delegation of power to the nanotech park administration committee for “one-stop operations” has also been proposed. 

         The 1,430-acre Hsinchu Science Park, which is known as Taiwan’s Silicon Valley, has been rated as one of the highly successful models to emulate hi-tech product development and manufacturing when compared with other models such as Eureka in Europe and Silicon Valley in the US, said the government official. 

         The Hsinchu Science Park has close co-operation between the government and other stakeholders like industry bodies, companies and academic and research institutions. It was established by the Taiwanese government in 1980 to create a Silicon Valley-like environment, lure back the expatriate talent pool, facilitate investment environment and build a strong ecosystem between universities, development institutes and companies in the park. 

         The Hsinchu Science Park currently has about 400 high-tech companies, including some of the big names, engaged in semiconductor, computer, telecommunciation and optoelectronic industries, aiding in transforming Taiwan into a high technology powerhouse. The park employs over 115,000 people and the turnover was about $30 billion in 2005. Companies in the park have to invest at least 4 per cent of their annual revenues towards R&D and product development

Taiwanese entrepreneurs in India

          The Tamilnadu state Government is considering establishment of a 200-acre Special Economic Zone in Tamil Nadu to attract investments from Taiwan’s entrepreneurs and business houses. ‘TAITRONICS India 2007’, an industry-oriented B2B electronics show featuring 80 Taiwan companies, 120 pavilions and 200 businessmen, Mr. Das said the Taiwan SEZ would open up a slot for small and medium enterprises to compete alongside big business houses. A single window mechanism will also be established to expedite necessary clearances to set up industry in Tamil Nadu..

Direct flight

          The modalities of introducing a direct flight between Chennai and Taipei were being worked out at various levels. Mr. Das said there were already several Taiwanese businesses operating in Chennai and “we expect many more to set up shop.” The committed investment of Taiwan companies in Tamil Nadu was to the tune of $500 million. This is merely the beginning and more investments were bound to flow in, he added.

          Chun-Fang Hsu, Deputy Director-General, Bureau of Foreign Trade, Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs, said her country saw India as an important trade partner in future in the context of the South Asian market. Bilateral trade had registered an upswing in recent years, with the aggregate touching $2.71 billion in 2006, up 11 per cent over 2005. The Taiwan External Trade Development Council, which had an overseas Indian office in Mumbai, is opening one in Chennai to shepherd investors in industries as diverse as electronics and pharmaceuticals to textiles and food processing.

          Andrew Li-Yan Hsia, Ambassador, Taipei Economic and Culture Centre, New Delhi, said a synergy of India’s young and talented human resource pool and Taiwan’s hardworking business community would benefit both economies. Walter Yeh, executive vice-president, Taiwan External Trade Development Council, said Taiwan’s Bureau of Foreign trade ranked India as the 20th largest trading partner. Bilateral trade till June, 2007, had increased by 68 per cent over that achieved during the same phase the previous year.

Win-win proposition

          S. Mahalingam, chairman of ‘Connect 2007’, said an Indo-Taiwan trade relationship symbolised a win-win proposition for both sides. As a sideshow to ‘Connect,’ which brought in different countries, technologies and industry professionals each year, the Taiwan expo provided an opportunity to discover Tamil Nadu’s attributes as an investment destination, he said. Gopal Srinivasan, director, TVS Electronics, said if India was “incredible” as a tourism destination, it sought to be “credible” as a business partner. Noting that information about Taiwan was lacking among the business community in India and vice-versa, he said it was time for aggressive promotion of the ‘Brand Taiwan.’

Committed investment of Taiwanese firms in Tamil Nadu is to the tune of $500 million

Bilateral trade stood at $2.71 billion in 2006


Monday, January 28, 2008

Taiwan Scholarship-2008

Taiwan Scholarship

Taiwan Private Universities

校 名 School Name地址及網址  Address & Website 備  註 Note
私立 Private    
Tunghai University181, Sec. 3, Taichung-kang Rd.,Fax :(04)23590361
 Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.44年設立
 網址 in 1955
輔仁大學  (242)台北縣新莊市中正路510號Tel.:(02)29031111
Fu Jen Catholic 510, Chung cheng Rd.,Hsinchuang,Fax :(02)29035524
University     Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. 50年復校
 網址 in 1961
Soochow University70, Linshi Rd., Shihlin,  Fax :(02)28829310
 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.   43年復校
 (100)台北市貴陽街一段56號Reestablished in 1954
 56, Sec. 1, Kueiyang St., 
 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.    
中原大學 (320)桃園縣中壢市普忠里普仁22號Tel.:(03)2659999
Chung Yuan Christian22, Pu-zen, Pu-chung li,Fax :(03)2658888
University      Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C.  44年設立
 網址 in 1955
  Renamed in 1980
Tamkang University151, Ying-chuan Rd., Tamsui,Fax :(02)26237384
 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.  39年設立
 (106)台北市金華街199巷5號Established in 1950
 5, Lane 199, Kinghua St.,Upgraded in 1958
 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.  Renamed in 1980
中國文化大學(111)台北市陽明山華岡路55號 Tel.:(02)28610511
Chinese Culture55, Hwa-kang Rd., Yang-ming-shan, Fax :(02)28611801
University Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.51年設立
 網址 in 1962
 Renamed in 1980
逢甲大學  (407)台中市文華路100號    Tel.:(04)24517250
Feng Chia University100, Wenhwa Rd.,       Fax :(04)24510129
 Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C. 50年設立
 (407)台中市福星北路98號    Established in 1961
 98, Fushing N. Rd.,       Renamed in 1980
 Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.  
靜宜大學 (433)台中縣沙鹿鎮中棲路200號Tel.:(04)26328001
Providence University 200, Chung-chi Rd., Shalu ,  Fax :(04)26311170
 Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.   45年設立
 網址 in 1956
 Upgraded in 1963
 Renamed in 1989, 1993
Chang-Gung   259, Wenhua 1st Rd.,Fax :(03)3283031
University       Gueishan, Taoyuan,       76年設立
 Taiwan, R.O.C.                    Established in 1987
 網址 in 1993, 1997
元智大學       (320)桃園縣中壢市遠東路135號Tel.:(03)4638800
Yuan Ze University135, Yuan-tung Rd., Chungli,Fax :(03)4559378
 Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C.           78年設立
 網址 in 1989
 Renamed in 1997
中華大學  (300)新竹市東香里六鄰東香30號 Tel.:(035)374281
Chung-Hua University30, Tung shing,         Fax :(035)373771
 Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.   79年設立
 網址 in 1990
 Renamed in 1997
大葉大學    (515)彰化縣大村鄉山腳路112號      Tel.:(04)8511888
Da-Yeh University  112, Shan-jiau Rd., Da-tusen ,  Fax :(04)8511666
 Changhua, Taiwan, R.O.C.          79年設立
 網址 in 1990
 Renamed in 1997
華梵大學   (223)台北縣石碇鄉華梵路1號Tel.:(02)26632102
Huafan University  1, Huafan Rd. Shintin,    Fax :(02)26631119
 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.     79年設立
 網址 in 1990
 Renamed in 1993, 1997
義守大學   (840)高雄縣大樹鄉學城路一段1號Tel.:(07)6577711
I-Shou University 1, Sec. 1, Hsueh-Cheng Rd.,Fax :(07)6577056
 Ta-hsu, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. 79年設立
 網址 in 1990
  Renamed in 1997
世新大學 (116)台北市木柵路1段17巷1號       Tel.:(02)22368225
Shih Hsin University1, Lane 17, Sec. 1, Mu-Cha Rd.,Fax :(02)22365133
 Taipei,Taiwan, R.O.C.             45年設立
 網址 in 1956
 Upgraded in 1991
 Renamed in 1997
Ming Chuan   250, Sec. 5, Chung shan N. Rd.,Fax :(02)28810521
University     Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.            49年設立
 (333)桃園縣龜山鄉大同村德明路5號Established in 1960
 5, Teh-Ming Rd., Gwei Shan, Upgraded in 1990
 Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C.Renamed in 1997
實踐大學     (104)台北市中山區大直街70號 Tel.:(02)25381111
Shih Chien        70,Daj St., Jungshan ,Fax :(02)25046293
University         Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.    47年設立
 (845)高雄縣內門鄉大學路 200 號Established in 1958
 200, University Rd., Neimen,Upgraded in 1991
 Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.CRenamed in 1997
朝陽科技大學   (413)台中縣霧峰鄉吉峰東路168號    Tel.:(04)23323000
Chaoyang University168, Gifeng E. Rd., Wufeng ,  Fax :(04)23329898
of Technology Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.      83年設立
 網址 in 1994
  Renamed in 1997
高雄醫學大學(807)高雄市十全一路100號    Tel.:(07)3121101
Kaohsiung Medical100, Shi-chuan 1st Rd.,       Fax :(07)3212062
University     Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.     43年設立
 網址 in 1954
 Renamed in 1999
南華大學(622)嘉義縣大林鎮中坑里中坑32號  Tel.:(05)2721001
Nanhua University     32, Jungkeng Li, Dalin ,  Fax :(05)2720170
 Chiai, Taiwan, R.O.C.     85年設立
 網址 in 1996
 Renamed in 1999
Aletheia University   32, Chen-li  St., Tamsui,Fax :(02)26235533
 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.     54年設立
 (721)台南縣麻豆鎮北勢寮70-11號Established in 1965
 70-11, Pei-Shih-Liao, Matou,Upgraded in 1994
 Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.Renamed in 1999
大同大學(104)台北市中山北路三段40號    Tel.:(02)25925252
Tatung University     40, Sec. 3, Chungshan N. Rd.,    Fax :(02)25941371
 Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.45年設立
 網址 in 1956
 Upgraded in 1963
 Renamed in 1999
南台科技大學   (710)台南縣永康市南台街1號Tel.:(06)2533131
Southern Taiwan1, Nan-Tai St.,Yungkang,          Fax :(06)2543031
University ofTainan,Taiwan, R.O.C.             58年設立
Technology       網址 in 1969
 Upgraded in 1996
 Renamed in 1999
崑山科技大學   (710)台南縣永康市大灣路949號 Tel.:(06)2727175
Kung Shan University949, Da wan Rd.,Fax :(06)2728944
of Technology     Yung-kang, Tainan,54年設立
 Taiwan, R.O.C.         Established in 1965
 網址 in 1996
  Renamed in 2000
嘉南藥理科技大學  (717)台南縣仁德鄉二仁路一段60號   Tel.:(06)2664911
Chia Nan University of60, Sec. 1, Erh-jen Rd., Jen-te, Fax :(06)2666411
Pharmacy and ScienceTainan, Taiwan, R.O.C.            55年設立
 網址 in 1966
 Upgraded in 1996
 Renamed in 2000
樹德科技大學  (824)高雄縣燕巢鄉橫山村橫山路59號 Tel.:(07)6158000
Shu-Te University59, Hengshan Rd., Hengshan ,      Fax :(07)6158999
 Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.         53年設立
 網址 in 1964
 Upgraded in 1997
 Renamed in 2000
慈濟大學  (970)花蓮市中央路三段701號     Tel.:(038)565301
Tzu Chi University    701, Sec. 3, Chung yan Rd.,    Fax :(038)563604
 Hualien, Taiwan, R.O.C.       79年設立
 網址 in 1990
 Renamed in 2000
台北醫學大學  (110)台北市吳興街250號       Tel.:(02)27361661
Taipei Medical     250, Wu hsing St., Taipei,    Fax :(02)27362824
University     Taiwan, R.O.C.         49年設立
 網址 in 1960
 Renamed in 2000
中山醫學大學  (402)台中市建國北路一段110號   Tel.:(04)24730022
Chung Shan Medical110, Sec. 1, Chien-kuo N. Rd.,Fax :(04)24739030
University     Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.    49年設立
 網址 in 1960
 Upgraded in 1977
 Renamed in 2001
龍華科技大學  (333)桃園縣龜山鄉萬壽路一段300號Tel.:(02)82093211
Lunghwa University    300, Sec. 1, Wan-shou Rd.,Fax :(02)82094650
of Science andKueishan , Taoyuan,           58年設立
TechnologyTaiwan, R.O.C.                 Established in 1969
 網址 in 1998
 Renamed in 2001
輔英科技大學  (831)高雄縣大寮鄉進學路151號  Tel.:(07)7811151
Fooyin University151, Chinhsueh Rd., Ta-liao,Fax :(07)7826146
 Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.     47年設立
 網址 in 1958
 Upgraded in 1997
 Renamed in 2002
明新科技大學  (304)新竹縣新豐鄉新興路1號    Tel.:(03)5593142
Ming Hsin University  1 , Hsin-hsing Rd., hsinfong , Fax :(03)5595142
of Science &Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C         55年設立
Technology網址 in 1966
 Upgraded in 1997
 Renamed in 2002
長榮大學  (711)台南縣歸仁鄉長榮路一段396號Tel.:(06)2785123
Chang Jung Christian396, Sec. 1, Chang jung Rd.,   Fax :(06)2780111
University     Kway jen, Tainan,Taiwan, R.O.C.   82年設立
 網址 in 1993
 Renamed in 2002
弘光科技大學(433)台中縣沙鹿鎮中棲路34號  Tel.:(04)26318652
Hung Kuang University34, Chung-Chie Rd., Sha lu ,    Fax :(04)26310744
 Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.      56年設立
 網址 in 1967
 Upgraded in 1997
 Renamed in 2003
中國醫藥大學 (404)台中市學士路91號Tel.:(04)22053366
China Medical     91, Hsueh-Shih Rd.,Fax :(04)22051276
University       Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.    47年設立
 網址: in 1958
 Renamed in 2003
清雲科技大學(320)桃園縣中壢市健行路二二九號Tel: (03)4581196
Ching Yun University229, Chien-Hsin Rd., Jung-Li,Fax :(03)4577753
  Taiwan 320, R.O.C.55年設立
 網址 in 1966
 Upgraded in 1999
 Renamed in 2000,2003
正修科技大學(833)高雄縣鳥松鄉澄清路840號   Tel.:(07)7310606
Cheng Shiu University 840, Chengching Rd., Niausung ,   Fax :(07)7315367
 Kaohsiung,Taiwan, R.O.C.          54年設立
 網址: in 1965
  Upgraded in 1999
  Renamed in 2003
萬能科技大學   (320)桃園縣中壢市萬能路1號 Tel.:(03)4515811
Vanung University 1, Vannung Rd.,Chungli,Fax :(03)4513786
 Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C.   61年設立
 網址 in 1972
 Upgraded in 1999
 Renamed in 2004
玄奘大學(300)新竹市玄奘路48號 Tel.:(03)5302255
Hsuan Chuang University48, Hsuantsang Rd.,          Fax :(03)5397400
 Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.           86年設立
 網址 in 1997
  Renamed in 2004
建國科技大學   (500)彰化市介壽北路1號Tel.:(04)7111111
ChienKuo Technology 1, Chieh-Sou N. Rd.,        Fax :(04)7111170
UniversityChanghua City, Taiwan, R.O.C. 88年改制
 網址 in 1999
  Renamed in 2004
明志科技大學(243)台北縣泰山鄉貴子村工專路84號 Tel.:(02)29089899
MingChi University 84, Gungjuan Rd., Taishan,Fax :(02)29041914
of Technology      Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.       88年改制
 網址 in 1999
 Renamed in 2004