Monday, August 10, 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Taiwan-World's Hidden Treasure Team Introduction video

Taiwan - World's Hidden Treasure [ Cycling around Taiwan]

For many people, Taiwan,also known as “Formosa”, is one of the most well-known countries in the world, since people mayhave ever heard of “Made in Taiwan”or used the product made in Taiwan.. Other than producing the products of best quality, Taiwan is also a place famous for its unique culture, local gourmet, and natural scenes. One of the best ways toTaiwan is via a bike tour around the island.

Taiwan Cyclist Federation and many students club is frequently organizing a cycle tour which will circle the island in 11-20 days. You will join a challenge team of college students to circle the island just with your feet on the paddles. You will visit major cities and small townships of Taiwan, visit major temples of local religions, experience famous night markets and enjoy local snacks and cuisine. The bike route will cross the island from the west to the east, and you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of east coast as well as the spectacular Taroko Gorge of the Taroko National Park.

Model Plan

Day 1

Day 2
Taipei Country – Hsinchu City
(Visit the Cheng Huang Temple and enjoy the most famous Hsinchu rice noodleand meat ball soup.)

Day 3
Hsinchu City – Changhua County
(Visit GIANT company, Tachia Temple, and enjoy the most famous Changhua meatball and rice tube pudding .)

Day 4
Changhua County –Chiayi City

Day 5
Chiayi County–Kaohsiung County
(Visit the tropic of Cancer Sign in Chiayi)

Day 6
Kaohsiung County –Pingtung Checheng
(Visit the Donggang Tapeng Bay National Scenic Area)

Day 7
Checheng –Jhihben, Taitung County
(Enjoy hot spring in Jhihben)

Day 8
Jhihben, Taitung County–Fonbin,Hualien County
(Visit the tropic of Cancer Sign in Jinpu)

Day 9
Fobin, Hualien County – Hualien City
(Great view of East Rift Valley. Visit the Farglory Ocean Park )

Day 10
Hualien City –Jiaosi ,YilanCounty
(Visit Taroko National Park. Enjoy hot spring in Jiaosi)

Day 11
Jiaosi – Taipei City
(Visit the Ping-Lin Tea Museum)

Taiwan Cyclist Federation, 1F., No.710, Sec. 3, Ankang Rd., Xindian City,
Taipei County 231, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: 886-2-2215-2585
Fax: 886-2-2214-1811

Taiwan - World's Hidden Treasure [ Taipei - 101 Run-up]

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Taiwan - World's Hidden Treasure [Ilha Formosa's Special Days]

  • 開國紀念日 Founding Day of the ROC
  • 雙十國慶日 - Double Tenth National Day
  • 二二八和平紀念日 - 228 Memorial Day
  • 軍 節 - Armed Forces Day
  • 教師節 - Teacher's Day
  • 勞動節 - Labor Day
  • 民族掃墓節 - Tomb Sweeping Day
  • 臺灣光復節 - Taiwan's Retrocession Day
  • 婦女節 - Women's Day
  • 青年節 - Youth Day
  • 行憲紀念日 - Constitution Day
  • 兒童節 - Children's Day
  • 春節 - Chinese New Year
  • 元宵節 - Lantern Festival
  • 中元節 - Ghost Festival
  • 農民節 - Farmer's Day
  • 中秋節 - Mid-Autumn Festival
  • 端午節 - Dragon Boat Festival
  • 重陽節 - Double Ninth Day
  • 平溪放天燈 - Pinghsi Sky Lantern Festival
  • 頭城搶孤 - Toucheng Chiang Ku Festival
  • 基隆中元祭- Keelung Chung Yuan Festival
  • 祭孔大典 - Confucius Ceremony
  • 台北市年貨大街 - Taipei City New Year's Goods Market
  • 西港燒王船 - Sikang's Burning King Boat Ceremony
  • 艋舺青山王祭 - Ching Shan Wang Ritual at Meng Chia
  • 大甲媽祖進香 - Tachia Matsu Pilgrimage Procession
  • 北港媽祖繞境 - Beigang Matsu Touring Procession
  • 內門迎觀音 - Welcome Kuan Yin Ritual at Neimen
  • 鹽水蜂炮 - Yenshui Fireworks Festival
  • 淡水迎祖師爺 - Welcoming the Patriarch at Danshui
  • 新埔義民節 - Yimin Festival at Hsin Pu
  • 東港王船祭 - Donggang King Boat Ceremony
  • 三峽清水祖師祭 - Zushi Ritual at Chingshui, Sansia
  • 北門三寮灣王船祭 - Wangchuan Ritual at Sanliao Bay, Peimen
  • 土城聖母廟刈香 - Yi Hsiang of Tucheng Sheng Mu Temple
  • 大龍峒保生大帝祭 - Bao Sheng Cultural Festival in Dalongdong
  • 大溪關老爺祭 - The ritual of Emperor Kuan Kung at Dasi
  • 台東炸寒單爺 - Taitung's Bombarding Master Handan Festival
  • 九份大拜拜 - Great Offering at Jiufen
  • 三重神農大帝祭 - Ritual of Emperor Shen Nung at Sanchung
  • 小琉球王船祭 - Wang chuan Ritual at Hsiao Liuchiu
  • 內湖夜弄土地公 - Neihu Night Procession of the Earth God
  • 台北龍山寺浴佛節 - Buddha Bathing Festival of Taipei Lungshan Temple
  • 五結利澤簡走尪 - Tsouwang at Lichechien, Wuchie
  • 大稻埕霞海城隍祭 - Cheng Huang Ritual at Hsia Hai, Tataocheng
  • 口湖牽水車藏 - Pulling Water Zhuang at Kauhu
  • 大溪祭陳聖王 - Chen Sheng Wang in Dasi Ritual
  • 台南開隆宮七娘媽生 - The Ceremony of Chiniangma's Birthday of Tainan Kailung Temple
  • 南鯤鯓王爺祭 - Nan Kuan-shen Wang-yeh Ritual
  • 客家桐花季 -Hakka Tung Bloosom Festival

"Best Trip in the World" Info in Taiwan News Papers

Taiwan News

Taiwan seeking contestants for 'Best Trip in the World' contest

Teams from 44 countries register for `best trip' contest

China Post

Taiwan seeking contestants for 'Best Trip in World'

1,123 teams register for 'best trip' contest

Taipei Times

More entries sought for Taiwan travel contest

More than a thousand teams enter Taiwan contest